Ambazari garden Nagpur : A tale of nagging neglect


Nagpur : The pristine atmosphere of Ambazari garden is getting sullied due to lack of maintenance on part of Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC). A pride of city, the garden used to be teeming with families throughout the year and was favourite haunt for Nagpurians of every age. Be it morning walkers who enjoyed the serene atmosphere and kept themselves fit, to afternoon hours when children under watchful eyes of parents used to indulged in fun and frolic.

But the fortunes of Ambazari started declining due to lofty ideas floated by policy makers knowing well that it is next to impossible to implement the same. That, however, did not stop politicians from selling dreams to Nagpurians of developing park on the lines of one in Singapore while others dropped hints of upgrading it to international standards. “Much water has flown down since these announcements were made and in process it only led to further deterioration in conditions at Ambazari,” said N L Sawarkar, General Secretary, Jansamsya Nivaran Sangarsha Samiti.

He said authorities have turned a blind eye to the situation and now things have come to such a pass that scrap material heaps are rising inside the garden. Very soon the entire area might be enveloped with waste material and unwanted things and this would even turn away few faithfuls who still continue to visit the garden and spend some quality time.

“Samiti has been at forefront of saving the garden but systematic efforts are on to destroy the beauty,” Sawarkar further alleged. “We senior citizens of Ambazari area are committed to preservation of the lake and the garden and from time to time take-up the issue with authorities. But beyond assurances nothing much has materialised and it pains to see the current sorry state of affairs.”

If the lack of maintenance of garden was not enough, the roads around the garden too are being converted into garbage heap by the authorities as waste material is liberally dumped by road side. Right from Ambazari T-point one has to walk carefully as slight wind pressure leads to blowing of dust in one’s eyes. One can see the heaps of unwanted material also near the compound wall of university campus. Tar roads excavated from various parts are found dumped by the road side thereby throwing all conservation norms to wind.

Also Read : The Himalaya Drug Company and NAAM Foundation Collaborate for Contract Farming in Maharashtra

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