Mumbai: Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Sunday said he doesn’t think a night curfew or another lockdown needs to be imposed in the state even though many people suggested him to do so.
“Many people suggested me to impose night curfew or lockdown in the state. But I don’t think night curfew or another lockdown should be imposed,” Thackeray said while addressing a press conference via video conferencing.
Maharashtra currently has 62,218 active coronavirus cases, which is the highest in the country. 17,81,841 have recovered so far in the state while 48,648 have died.
With 26,624 new COVID-19 cases recorded in the last 24 hours, India’s total coronavirus cases reached 1,00,31,223 on Sunday, according to the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW).