Nagpur: Police have arrested two drug-peddlers in Maharashtra”s Nagpur and seized 58 grams of mephedrone drug worth Rs 10 lakh from them, an official said. The action was taken by the Anti-Narcotics Cell (ANC) of the crime branch on Saturday, he said.
The accused, Syed Sajjad alias Saddam Liaquat Ali and Vinek Sandekar, both 26, had been supplying drugs to several cafes and hotels in the city, he said.
“Acting on a tip-off that Syed Sajjad was bringing drugs from Mumbai, the ANC laid a trap and arrested the duo on Saturday afternoon in Wadi area of the city,” the official said.
A total of 58 grams of mephedrone, four expensive mobile phones and a car were seized from them, he said.
A local court remanded them in three-day police custody.