NDA candidate Droupadi Murmu is leading after the first round of votes were counted in the 2022 presidential polls on Thursday. Of the total 748 votes cast by the MPs, Murmu clinched 540 while Opposition candidate Yashwant Sinha got 208.
India will soon know who will succeed Ram Nath Kovind to become the country’s 15th President, with the counting of votes for the recently-held Presidential election commencing at the Parliament House on Thursday morning.
Going by the support extended by various parties, National Democratic Alliance (NDA) candidate Droupadi Murmu has a clear edge over Opposition’s Yashwant Sinha in this election. If elected, Murmu will become the first tribal woman to occupy the top constitutional post in the country.
Voting for the Presidential polls concluded on Monday with over 99 per cent of 4,796 eligible electors, including 771 MPs and 4,025 MLAs, taking part in the process.