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China opens another front, steps up cyberattacks that target India: Intel

India 2020: China has opened another front against India with sustained DDOS (distributed denial of service) attacks on Indian information websites and the country’s...

Everything is Under Control’: Army Chief Says Hopeful of Settling ‘Perceived Differences’ With China Through Talks

India 2020 : Chief of Army Staff General MM Naravane on Saturday said the situation along India’s borders with China “is under control” and...

India-China Army Commanders Hold Talks Today Amid Month-Long Standoff in Ladakh

Top Chinese and Indian generals will meet at a Himalayan outpost on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) on Saturday...

Mahatma Gandhi’s Statue Outside Indian Embassy in Washington Desecrated During George Floyd Protests

The statue of Mahatma Gandhi outside the Indian Embassy in Washington DC has been defaced during one of the protests against the killing of...

India-China Border Flare-up Latest Addition to History of Disputes Guided by Diplomacy, Strategic Timing

India 2020 : 'Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai' — the famous slogan which was the catchphrase of India’s diplomacy with China in the mid 1950s now...


ASUS Expands Its Presence in India with the Opening of 5th Select Store in Nagpur

ASUS Opens 5th Select Store in Nagpur, Maharashtra, Promoting...

Types of Yoga Asanas with Yoga Images, Benefits, Yoga Vs GYM?

On the occasion of international yoga day we are...

Top 50 International Yoga Day Wishes 2024: Best Wishes, Quotes, Images, Messages, WhatsApp Status

Introduction: International Yoga Day, observed annually on June 21st, is...

International Yoga Day 2024 : Benefits of Health, Theme, Important

Yoga, the ancient discipline that promotes physical, mental, and...
