Along with Divya Khosla Kumar and Guru Randhawa, popular musician and rapper Honey Singh is scheduled to participate on a TV programme to promote his new song video, “Designer.”
In a chat, Honey Singh explained how he came to create the popular version of the song “Dheere Dheere Se,” which featured Hrithik Roshan and Sonam Kapoor.
He stated: “I had promised to reproduce “Dheere Dheere Se,” the song that his father Gulshanji loved, to Bhushan bhaiyaa (Bhushan Kumar). Please urge him to reproduce this song, Bhushan bhaiyaa pleaded with my mum. While I was ill, I continued to work on this song.”
“People are delighted when I perform the song today, but I still think back to how I created it. My mum came up with the song’s final lyrics. This song is therefore very meaningful to me “Added he.