Bhima-Koregaon case : A Pune sessions court Friday rejected the bail pleas of activists Vernon Gonsalves, Arun Ferreira and Sudha Bhardwaj, who were arrested in June in connection with the probe into Elgar Parishad and Bhima Koregaon violence. All three, who are accused of having Maoist links, are currently under house arrest which ends today.
Earlier, on September 28, the Supreme Court had rejected pleas to release the three along with Varavara Rao and Gautam Navlakha and extended their house arrest by four weeks.
Ruling on petitions by historian Romila Thapar and others, CJI Misra and Justice Khanwilkar had said that they had examined the material gathered by police during the investigation and were “of the considered opinion that it is not a case of arrest because of mere dissenting views expressed or difference in the political ideology of the named accused, but concerning their link with the members of the banned organisation and its activities”.
A three-judge bench of the Supreme Court will Friday examine Thapar’s review petition challenging the majority opinion of the apex court upholding their arrest by the Maharashtra police.