India: With the onset of the festive season, announced the significant expansion of its delivery network in various parts of India. It has doubled the presence of its Delivery Service Partner network with more than 1400 delivery stations present across 750 cities. With this expansion, Amazon India now has increased its direct delivery presence in many states, with 2X growth in states such as Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Jharkhand and West Bengal to name a few. continues to invest in the success of its flagship program ‘I Have Space’, the first of its kind in the e-commerce industry. This network of 23,000 micro businesses or retail outlets present in 350 cities, and will continue to be a significant part of the delivery network for the company. The company announced the launch of Amazon Flex in India in June 2019 across Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi. Amazon Flex enables individuals to be their own boss, create their own schedule and earn INR 120 to 140 per hour delivering Amazon packages. Within a span of 3 months, the program has expanded rapidly to 7 cities for the exponential demand expected this festive season. This network has already created tens of thousands of delivery partners including students and home makers.
Furthermore, the company has also expanded its ‘Easy Ship’ program to enable sellers from different parts of the country to leverage the Amazon delivery network to ship their products directly to customers seamlessly. The program now makes it possible for more than 5 lakh sellers from over 2500 cities and towns to make their products easily accessible to Amazon customers across the country.
Commenting on the expansion of its delivery network, Mr. Akhil Saxena, Vice President, India Customer Fulfilment, Amazon India said, “In preparation for the festive season this year, we have significantly scaled our delivery programs and focused our efforts on – widening the reach of our direct delivery network, enabling speed in the delivery promise for our customers and improving their delivery experience. To make all of this real for our customers, we have doubled our Delivery service partner stations to 1400 nodes, expanded our owned delivery station network, invested in the growth and success of our ‘I Have Space’ partners, expanded the presence of the Amazon Flex program to 7 cities and enabled lakhs of sellers to be able to leverage the Amazon Transportation network to directly fulfil their customer orders. “