WhatsApp could soon mark messages that have been forwarded from another or same chat as ‘Forwarded message’. According to a report in WABetaInfo, a fan site that tests new WhatsApp features, the feature is available for Android beta version 2.18.67 and is currently disabled. Users can join the beta program on Google Play Store for WhatsApp, and the latest features in testing will be available for them.However, the feature is also disabled by default, WaBetaInfo notes.
“Today, ‘WhatsApp’ has modified the behaviour of the feature, that will show on the bubble (when the feature will be enabled in future), a ‘Forwarded Message’ string, if the message has been forwarded from another chat (or from the same chat),” read the information on the website.
WhatsApp recently debuted the Group Description feature in its beta for Android and Windows Phone. Unlike the Forwarded Message and Sticker features, this is visible to users and does not need to be enabled via code. Any member in the group can edit the text in the new group description tab, although it might be looking to restrict access to admins in future updates. The maximum character limit for group descriptions is 500 characters. This move is expected to offer better context to public groups after chat invite links were launched by WhatsApp in 2016.
Meanwhile, Stickers feature is also under development for Android and will be available soon, reports the website. The Facebook-owned app has added support to forward stickers to other chats, a feature that is currently disabled. “Today, WhatsApp has modified the behavior of the feature, that will show on the bubble (when the feature will be enabled in future), a Forwarded message string, if the message has been forwarded from another chat (or from the same chat),” the report reads.
Earlier this month, WABetaInfo spotted new terms of service (ToS) in the Android beta. The leaked ToS indicated how WhatsApp would share data with Facebook, and how sponsored content would make its way onto the Facebook-owned messaging platform that recently began offering small businesses the ability to message users with special features.
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