New Delhi: Bollywood singer Kanika Kapoor has beaten Corona. After returning home from the hospital, Kanika Kapoor was quarantined for 14 days. Now she is completely fine. On Sunday, Kanika had clarified the allegations against her. Now Kanika has shared a photo of her drinking tea with her family. This is Kanika Kapoor’s second Instagram post after being discharged from the hospital.
She shared this photo on Instagram. In the photo, Kanika Kapoor is seen drinking tea with her family. Everyone has a smile on their face. Sharing this photo, Kanika Kapoor wrote in the caption that you need a good smile, mind and a cup of hot tea. This post by Kanika Kapoor is being liked a lot.
Many users have asked about the nature of Kanika Kapoor.
She is currently in Lucknow with her family. She was accused of being irresponsible and haggard after her corona report came back positive. Kanika was then trolled.
The explanation given by Kanika
She wrote in her post that I had met people from UK to Mumbai and Lucknow. None of them had any symptoms of corona. All of them had a negative corona report. I came to Mumbai from UK on March 10. The screening was then done at the international airport. There was no indication at the time that I wanted to be quarantined. On March 11, I had come to Lucknow to visit my parents. There was no screening at the airport at the time. I had lunch with my friend on the 14th and 15th. On March 17 and 18, I had some symptoms. Then on March 19, after I tested the corona, the report came back positive.
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