Shree Videhi Sati Ansuya Mata, Paradsinga Village, Katol, Nagpur


Shree Videhi Sati Ansuya Mata

When Avadhutas want to leave their physical body they plan accordingly. Mata gave thought to Her Sansthan to purchase a huge piece of land at Paradsinga and construction was started in the year 1992. Mata moved to Dhyan Mandir from village and the home where Mata lived in village is preserved and converted into Mandir by Sansthan. Under her supervision Sansthan has constructed Dhuni, Mandir, and Prasadalaya. After accomplishment of construction, Mata fell ill in June which was merely an excuse to leave her physical body and mentally prepare her devotees. After 6 months, on 10th of January 1997 Shree Videhi Sati Ansuya Mata left her physical form. Right from that moment her immortal body started showering love and affection on devotees.

Shree Videhi Sati Ansuya Mata Story

Shree Videhi Sati Ansuya Mata was born on 5th of May 1926 as the fifth child to mother Aanai and father Ramji at Paradsinga.

Mata lived with Paradsinga villagers,Shree Videhi Sati Ansuya Mata played song and showered enormous love and affection on them for six decades. Mata annihilated all the troubles and karma, fulfilled their desires and stood as the Head of the family for each of them. Their chaste love for her is so immense that they don’t requisite any other God except Mata so; there is no other temple in the village. In Katol and nearby areas, without offering her naivedhya nobody takes their food.

Pujya Sri Sivanesan Swamiji, who familiarized Mata to devotees, spent his whole life in Sai Seva by Baba’s grace. Swamiji channelized and gave guidance to establish Sai Organizations and follow Sai Tatva. The most incredible gift Swamiji gave to devotees is tracing of real Avadhutas without seeing them and moving from Shirdi. Swamiji advised devotees to invite these Avadhutas to inaugurate Dhuni and Sai temples which increased the power and virtue of these temples. Many people are now being benefited from this all across the country.

Shree Videhi Sati Ansuya Mata, the mother incorporated bodiless existence who knows neither spite nor envy, who took birth to uplift the life of devotees in eha loka (materialistic world) and para loka (spiritual world)

Mata’s eternal power attracts people towards her as she is plentiful with divine love and power. Mata kept herself away from worldly issues. Though Mata had no literary knowledge, she had abundant knowledge about all sastras. Pancha bhutas and asta siddhi were subdued to her and it is abstruse to understand her deeds. Mata has gigantic power, she blessed lakhs and millions of people at an instant and there is nothing impossible or difficult for MATA. Mata could read the minds of devotees. Whoever comes to see Mata with some purpose in mind always go home satisfied and there is always peace and gratification to devotees around her. Devotees who come to her with faith never returned disappointed.

Devotees offered her food, clothes and ornaments but she threw away all the offerings which devotees accepted as holy prasada. Mata brought water to waterless well, cured the sick, saved many lives, showed right path to many, and helped the helpless. Her eyes could give proper direction to the needy. Mata preferred the company of domestic animals. She lived anywhere, ate anything, and wore anything or sometimes nothing at all (digambara).

In Datta Parampara the key concepts are “Balonmatta pisacha veshaya” & “Smarana matra santustaya” which are perfectly seen in Mata. Many spiritual yogis, Religious gurus, Scholars, and famous personalities worship Mata not in Maharashtra but all over the world.

Paradsinga is a small village surrounded by nearly 500 tribal areas where there is no feasibility of hospital with all equipments. To make their life better and provide them with this facility Samsthan has taken up this project of constructing a hospital. Samsthan is also planning to create acquaint of health to these tribal people by conducting medical camp and provide them with required medical aids and first aids. This helps them to improve their understanding of importance of health and useful for future generations to be nutritious and healthy.

Special Events


On 5th of May – Keertans, Naam jap – for 7 days ( day and night)

Punya tithi:

On 10th of January –Shanti Paath, Bhajans – for 2 days ( day and night)

Guru Purnima:

On Ashada Shudha Purnima, special pooja and abhisheka are performed.

Nav Ratri:

On the occasion of Dushera, a grand Mahotsav takes place continued by procession.

Also Check: Shree Mahalakshmi Jagadamba Mandir Navratri Mahotsav, Koradi, Nagpur


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