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All Covid curbs, except wearing mask, to go from March 31 across India

Nagpur: With Covid-19 well under control and the continuous dip in cases, the Central Government has decided to end all Covid curbs containment measures...

Covaxin 50% Effective Against Covid, Less Than Initially Thought: Lancet

Covaxin, one of the main vaccines used in India's coronavirus immunization drive, provides only 50% protection against symptomatic COVID-19, according to a real-world study...

“Science-Born, Driven, Based”: PM On Vaccine Program After 1 Billion Feat

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing a nation today after the country crossed a massive milestone of 100 crore Covid vaccinations, said it...

“India’s Vaccination Success Result Of…”: PM Modi On Covid, 2nd Wave

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has credited India's "stunning success in vaccinating its people" to the country being atmanirbhar or self-reliant, adding that...

PM Modi Says “A Political Party Got Fever” Seeing India Set Vaccine World Record

Panaji: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said it was an unforgettable and emotional moment for him as over 2.50 crore COVID-19 vaccine doses were...


ASUS Expands Its Presence in India with the Opening of 5th Select Store in Nagpur

ASUS Opens 5th Select Store in Nagpur, Maharashtra, Promoting...

Types of Yoga Asanas with Yoga Images, Benefits, Yoga Vs GYM?

On the occasion of international yoga day we are...

Top 50 International Yoga Day Wishes 2024: Best Wishes, Quotes, Images, Messages, WhatsApp Status

Introduction: International Yoga Day, observed annually on June 21st, is...

International Yoga Day 2024 : Benefits of Health, Theme, Important

Yoga, the ancient discipline that promotes physical, mental, and...
