MSME-DI Nagpur organized Credit Facilitation (Loan Meta)


Nagpur: Recently, MSME-DI Nagpur organized Credit Facilitation (Loan Meta) along with Canara Bank, State Bank of India, Allahabad Bank, the central bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Union Bank, Bank of Maharashtra etc. Now a day’s banks play a very important role in entrepreneurship development by providing loans (finance) to prospective as well as existing entrepreneurs. They provide working capital for expansion of their business. The programme was organized to develop a link between bankers and entrepreneurs. The programme was organized with the objective to allow the entrepreneurs and bankers to have one to one interaction and get acquainted with the schemes and processes of banks for credit loan.

The objective of CLCS component of CLC-TUs is to facilitate technology to MSEs through institutional finance for induction well established and proven technologies in the specific sub-sector/products approved under the scheme. Shri P.M.Parlewar, Director,MSME-DI Nagpur presided over the programme. Shri K. Mohapatra, Canara Bank, Shri B.Ashok Kumar, SBI, Shri Sunil Arora, PNB, Shri Mahadev Chandrikapure, Bank of India, Shri V.R.Sirsath, Dy.Director, MSME-DI were present on the dais.
While addressing the entrepreneurs present, Shri P.M.Parlewar, Director, MSME-DI explained the objective of organizing the Loan Mela. He said this is a new initiative which provides great opportunity to the existing and prospective entrepreneurs to interact with the bankers and get acquainted with the formalities and process of the banks for getting loan.

He explained that Ministry of MSME is operating various schemes for technology upgradation of MSMEs. The CLCS component of CLCS-TU scheme aims at facilitating technology upgradation by providing 15% capital subsidy to MSE units. He said the CLCSS scheme would be crucial in raising MSME contribution to gross domestic product from the current 29 per cent to 50 per cent, in addition to increasing exports from the sector to 50 per cent from 40 per cent now..The scheme provides an upfront subsidy of 15 per cent on institutional credit up to Rs 1 crore for MSMEs in the specified 51 sub-sectors. He appealed to all the entrepreneurs present to get acquainted with the documentation procedure of the banks and benefit from the programme.
Dr. V.R.Sirsath, Dy.Director, MSME-DI in his welcome address, explained about the programme in brief and also spoke about the various schemes of Ministry of MSME for the existing and prospective entrepreneurs.

The participants interacted with the bankers present on large number on one to one basis and got acquainted with the procedure and formalities of banks for getting loan. The bankers said that credentials and record is taken into consideration by the banks. Separate counters were provided to the bankers and the participants interacted with them on one to one basis. Solutions were provided to the problems of the existing and prospective entrepreneurs. The programme was co-ordinated by Shri Y.B.Baghel, Asstt.Director, MSME-DI Nagpur who also proposed vote of thanks. Around 40 nos. of entrepreneurs attended the loan Mela.

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