India Will Definitely Get Its Economic Growth Back, Says PM Modi, Pushes for ‘Aatma Nirbhar Bharat’


India 2020 : Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said India will definitely get its economic growth back as the government continues to pursue various reforms.

Speaking at industry association CII’s annual session, he said the government has taken tough steps to fight the coronavirus pandemic and has also taken care of the economy.

“On the one hand we have to safe lives of our people and on the other hand we have to stabilise the economy and speed up the economy,” he said. “Yes, we will definitely get our growth back,” he asserted.

He said he gets the confidence from farmers, small businesses and entrepreneurs for getting the economic growth back.

“Corona may have slowed our speed (of growth) but India has now moved ahead from lockdown with the phase one of unlock. Unlock Phase-1 has reopened a large part of the economy,” he said.

He said intent, inclusion, investment, infrastructure and innovation are crucial for India to revert back to a high-growth trajectory.

“For us, reforms are not any random or scattered decisions. For us reforms are systemic, planned, integrated, inter-connected and futuristic process,” he said.

He further noted that “for us reforms mean courage to take decisions and taking them to logical conclusion.”

Also Read- नागपुरातही ‘मिशन बिगीन अगेन’ अंतर्गत 30 जूनपर्यंत लॉकडाऊन

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