Google Fixes “Android Burger” Emoji, in Android 8.1


Google has finally ‘corrected’ the placement of the cheese slice in the burger emoji on Android, after facing some ridicule on Twitter earlier this month. Google CEO Sundar Pichai had responded to the Twitter trend, saying he would ‘drop everything’ to fix it. It appears he has. The latest Android 8.1 Oreo Developer Preview 2 comes with a handful of tweaked emojis, including the Android Burger emoji, which now has the cheese slice on top of the patty instead of below.

The corrected versions of emojis were first spotted by Emojipedia, which is now available under the Android 8.1 Developer Preview 2. As per the report, a new and improved cheeseburger emoji will have the cheese placed atop the patty, as opposed to underneath it.

The intense debate on Twitter over the cheese placement in a burger was also joined by Google CEO Sundar Pichai, who promised to ‘drop everything’ to address this irregularity with a burger. Later, Google also served ‘Android Burger’ to its employees at its Seattle office.

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The debate started when Thomas Baekdal, Founder of Baekdal Media, tweeted on the difference in the placement of the cheese slices in the Android and Apple burger emojis. His tweet got multiple interactions, which ultimately became a social media trend. The key difference between ‘Android Burger’ emoji and any other is that the slice of cheese is placed beneath the patty and atop the lower bun. Apart from Pichai’s humorous response, Google’s Seattle office had also chimed in on the controversy, and served Googlers the ‘Android burger’, with cheese below the patty. Besides, Google has also refreshed a few more emojis Another emoji that has been fixed is of the cheese, which now has refined edges on the holes and readjusted color tone.


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