Embrace 2020 on a healthy note, with almonds!


As we enter 2020, most of us are already thinking of things we would like to do differently this year, and New Year resolutions present the perfect opportunity to fulfill our determinations. But, often a lot of us end up making a list of unrealistic resolutions and for many, it becomes almost impossible to follow them through the year.

Losing weight and remaining fit during the year are popular resolution choices that many promise to work towards at the beginning of every year. But soon, most of us to get distracted and come back to the same routine. Let’s change that this year, by resolving to make small, positive changes in our family as well as our lives, which can go a long way in building overall health.

One good way to do this is by incorporating a healthy snack like almonds in our daily diets. Almonds are a good source of vital nutrients like vitamin E, magnesium, good fat, dietary fibers and plant protein. In fact, a handful of almonds may have satiating properties that promote feeling of fullness, which may keep hunger at bay between meals[1].

Fitness enthusiast and Supermodel Milind Soman said, “During the holiday-season, we tend to over-indulge in unhealthy and high-calorie food. Once we enter the New Year, we then start thinking about ways to become fit and healthy. An important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is adding a regular dose of exercise to it. I enjoy running, and make sure I try to do it 2-3 times a week, even during the holiday season or on vacation. To complement this, I personally opt for wholesome snacks like almonds which are a source of 15 nutrients such as magnesium, riboflavin, zinc etc. Added to that, global research also suggests that daily consumption of almonds may have a positive impact on type 2 diabetes, heart health and weight management.”

Leading Bollywood actress Soha Ali Khan said, “For a lot of us, January is a month of new beginnings. But how many of us are able to see them through the year is questionable. Having family responsibilities, and a young daughter to take care of, I try to keep smaller, more achievable resolutions at the start of the year, and work through the year to achieve them. As we enter 2020, I urge everyone to make more informed snacking choices, and opt for snacks like almonds, or fresh fruits which will aid your overall health.”

When we commit to remain healthy and fit throughout the year, diet and meal options become crucial. While we may plan our diets to the hilt, what we tend to miss out on, is planning a balanced snacking routine that is tasty and nutritious at the same time. Snacking on almonds instead of unwholesome snacks can make a healthy difference to our lives.

According to Madhuri Ruia, Pilates Expert and Diet & Nutrition Consultant, “While planning our diet, we often neglect planning for the in-between snacks. I strongly recommend to choose health substitutes like roasted, flavoured or salted almonds for those in-between meal hunger pangs. Snacking smart with almonds is a small yet great change that can help people lead a healthier lifestyle.”

Commenting on this, Sheela Krishnaswamy, Nutrition and Wellness Consultant said, “As the New Year begins, I usually come across many clients who are looking for a diet plan that could help manage their weight. In such cases, I highly recommend fresh fruits and nuts like almonds which help in weight management. Recently, I also came across a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which highlighted that participants who consumed 43 grams of dry, roasted, lightly salted almonds every day experienced reduced hunger and improved dietary vitamin E and monounsaturated (“good”) fat intake without increasing body weight[2].”

Regional Head-Dietetics, Max Healthcare – Delhi, Ritika Samaddar added, “Almonds are one of the easiest foods to include in our diet; we can eat a handful before we start our day, enjoy some as an evening tea time snack, or even add them to our food preparation. In addition, as per a recent research, inclusion of 45 grams of almonds in everyday diet can help in the reduction of LDL (bad cholesterol) and alleviate conditions like dyslipidemia, linked to the same. Regular consumption of almonds, when replaced with other carbohydrate rich snacks, can effectively help in reducing LDL and total cholesterol, thus making you healthier in the long run[3].”

So, this year, resolve to lead a healthier lifestyle by consuming a handful of almonds every day.

Almonds from California are a natural, wholesome and quality food. The Almond Board of California promotes almonds through its research-based approach to all aspects of marketing, farming and production on behalf of the more than 6,800 almond growers and processors in California, many of which are multi-generational family operations. Established in 1950 and based in Modesto, California, the Almond Board of California is a non-profit organization that administers a grower-enacted Federal Marketing Order under the supervision of the United States Department of Agriculture. For more information on the Almond Board of California or almonds, visit www.almonds.in

 [1] Hull S, Re R, Chambers L, Echaniz A, Wickham SJ. A mid-morning snack generates satiety and appropriate adjustment of subsequent food intake in healthy women. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2014; DOI 10.1007/s00394-014-0759-z.

[2] Tan YT, Mattes RD. Appetitive, dietary and health effects of almonds consumed with meals or as snacks: a randomised, controlled trial. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2013; 67:1205-14.

[3] Kalita S, Khandewal S, Madan J, Pandya H, Sesikeran B, Krishnaswamy K. Almonds and Cardiovascular Health: A Review. Nutrients. 2018; 10:468. Doi:10.3390/nu10040468.

I do marketing and I have 3 passions: People, Travel and Social Media. I try to make articles more practical, full of great advice, inspiring ideas. I'm likely geeking out over, films, technology, sports, politics.

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