Easter 2018 Wishes : Date, Significance, SMS and Wishes


Easter 2018 Wishes : Date, Significance, SMS and Wishes

The Easter 2018 weekend is here, and we can’t wait to indulge in all the festive sweet treats. This year Easter would be celebrated on 1st April 2018. Observed three days after the Good Friday, Easter is celebrated to mark the spirit of rebirth and life. While Good Friday marks the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb on the third day after his crucifixion.

According to the legends, Christians started celebrating Easter to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and his great sacrifice for the mankind. The festival has many motifs that symbolise new life like the tradition of making Easter eggs and Easter bunnies. Here is a brief origin of the festival and the celebrations.

Easter 2018 wishes : Significance Of Easter

The significance of Easter is tied to the great prophecy made in the ancient Christian scriptures. According to the prophecy, God would send a Messiah, who would be persecuted for the sins of mankind and rise on the third day. An Easter celebration has its root in the early 2nd century A.D. According to historians, the early Christians began remembering the Resurrection every Sunday following its occurrence. In A.D. 325, the Council of Nicaea set aside a special day just to celebrate the Resurrection. There was much debate as to what should be the day to celebrate Easter, as many sects were of differing thoughts. Since some wanted the celebration to be in line with events in Old Testament, and some wanted it to be dissociated with Judaism. The council laid out two rules. First was of independence of the Jewish calendar, and the second was the worldwide uniformity of the day. Through the years it was decided that the following Sunday after Good Friday would be the day to celebrate the resurrection of Christ, the saviour.

Easter 2018 wishes :

  • Às you cêlêbràtê Êàstêr mày you rêmêmbêr God’s pêrfêct lovê for àll mànkïnd, ànd mày thàt lovê fïll you wïth hopê for thê dàys to comê. Happy Easter 2018!

Easter 2018 wishes

  • Forgïvênêss ïs lïkê sêttïng somêonê frêê from à jàïl. Às you cêlêbràtê Êàstêr mày you bê sêt frêê from àll thàt confïnês you ànd màkês your lïfê tough. Happy Easter 2018.

Easter 2018 wishes

  • Mày you rêjoïcê ïn thê knowlêdgê thàt you àrê frêê forêvêr. Happy Easter. Rêjoïcê ànd bê mêrry ànd shàrê làughtêr ànd good tïmês àt Êàstêr, for thê Son of God hàs sêt us frêê ànd frêê ïndêêd. Happy Easter.

Easter 2018 wishes

  • Êàstêr duck ànd Êàstêr chïck, Êàstêr êggs wïth chocolàtê thïck. Êàstêr hàts for onê ànd àll, Êàstêr bunny màkês à càll! Êàstêr àlwàys brïngs Such à lot of plêàsànt thïngs Happy Easter 2018!!

Easter 2018 wishes

  • Êàstêr gïvês hopê for tomorrow, Às àftêr thê wïntêr comês Sprïng. Our hêàrts càn bê fïllêd wïth glàdnêss Às hêàrts rêjoïcê ànd sïng. Happy Easter!!!!

Easter 2018 wishes

  • Mày thê àngêls protêct you Mày thê sàdnêss forgêt you Mày goodnêss surround you Ànd mày Lord Jêsus Chrïst àlwàys blêss you Happy Easter!

Easter 2018 wishes

  • On thïs holïêst of àll holïdàys Mày you fïnd pêàcê, joy & lovê; Ànd rêmêmbêr whàt Hê dïêd for, Our Lord ànd Sàvïor àbovê. Happy Easter!

Easter 2018 wishes

  • Êàstêr ïs à vêry spêcïàl tïmê of yêàr Fïllêd wïth làughtêr, joy ànd lots of good chêêr Frïênds ànd fàmïly gàthêr from nêàr ànd fàr àwày To shàrê thê wàrmth of thê sêàson, on thïs spêcïàl dày. Happy Easter!

Easter 2018 wishes

  • Wïshïng you àll àn Êàstêr fïllêd Wïth fàvorïtê tràdïtïons Ànd hàppy nêw mêmorïês, But most of àll, àn Êàstêr Thàt rênêws your fàïth, Uplïfts your spïrït, Ànd fïlls your hêàrt wïth joy. Happy Easter!!!

Easter 2018 wishes

  • Thê Êàstêr fêêlïng doês not ênd, Ït sïgnàls à nêw bêgïnnïng of nàturê sprïng Ànd brànd nêw lïfê of frïêndshïp. Happy Easter!

Easter 2018 wishes

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