
Implacon International Conference on Implantology to be held at Nagpur in 2019

Implacon has become a significant name in the dental implantology circuit around central India in a short span of time from its inception. Implacon has...

Persistent Systems Nagpur celebrates 15th Anniversary

Nagpur : On 27th October 2018, Persistent Systems’ Nagpur Development Center completed 15 years of business operations in next generation software development. With a...

Bank of India organized Vigilance Awareness Programme at DAIMSR

Nagpur : Recently a programme on Vigilance Awareness was organized at Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies & Research (DAIMSR) by Bank of India...

जागतिक मराठी साहित्य संमेलन नागपुरात

नागपूर : जागतिक मराठी अकादमीच्यावतीने २००४ साली पहिले जागतिक मराठी साहित्य संमेलन - 'शोध मराठी मनाचा' नागपुरात घेतले होते. त्याला आता तब्बल १४ वर्षे...

79th Annual Session of Indian Roads Congress during 22 to 25 Nov 2018 in Nagpur

Nagpur : Public Works Department would be hosting the 79th Annual Session of Indian Roads Congress during 22 to 25 Nov 2018 at Divisional...

