Implacon has become a significant name in the dental implantology circuit around central India in a short span of time from its inception.
Implacon has...
Nagpur : On 27th October 2018, Persistent Systems’ Nagpur Development Center completed 15 years of business operations in next generation software development. With a...
Nagpur : Recently a programme on Vigilance Awareness was organized at Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies & Research (DAIMSR) by Bank of India...
नागपूर : जागतिक मराठी अकादमीच्यावतीने २००४ साली पहिले जागतिक मराठी साहित्य संमेलन - 'शोध मराठी मनाचा' नागपुरात घेतले होते. त्याला आता तब्बल १४ वर्षे...