Benefits of Yoga to the Mental and Physical Health


One thing that doctors prescribe as much as Medicines, if not more, is Yoga. Yoga is at the intersection of modern science and ancient wisdom. Although, the main purpose of Yoga is liberation it can also keep you mentally and physically healthy.  Yoga is a science of inner well-being. It is a practice that we can use to transform ourselves. Today, Modern science is vouching for Yoga’s efficiency to improve mental and physical health. It is only the affirmation from Modern science that has made yoga popular in the Western world.

In the Yogic culture, a human being is seen as a combination of Physical body, mind and life energies (soul).  The body is considered to be made up of earth, water, air, sky, and fire. The food that we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe make up our body. On the other hand, Mind is considered to be an accumulation of memory and impressions which we have been accumulating since the beginning of life. Best way to be in the pink is to balance these three.

Body and mind are the tools that we require to perceive everything around us while the energy body keeps them functional. Body and mind can heal themselves. There is tremendous intelligence in every cell of your body. Yogic practices help to realize this intelligence to improve your physical and mental health.

A few minutes of yoga every day will have phenomenal effects on your health. Nidra Yoga Course is helping people by teaching them how to do Yoga correctly.  Here are some major health benefits to help you get started right away.

1: Improves your Immune system                                                                                                                                  

Yoga doesn’t just mean that twisting your body or being upside down or doing seemingly impossible Asanas. Yoga is a discipline. Yoga requires you to adopt healthy food habits and a healthy lifestyle. Consequently, this helps your body improve your defense mechanism.

There are some basic Asanas or poses that will help you improve your immune system. Asanas like Halasana and Bhujangasana can help you release white cells in the body strengthening the immune system. There are other simple Asanas like Setu Bandhasans and Shishuasana that you can do to improve blood circulation, increase energy to better resist viruses. These Asanas also stimulate the Digestive system which helps to get the toxins out of your system greatly improving your health.

Although Yoga is not a substitute for medicine in some cases, it can help you prevent diseases in the first place. It is the most effective, scientific and time-tested  immunity booster and has miraculous effects on the immune system

2: You can overcome Stress

Stress is one of the major modern problems. Unfortunately, stress is not just Mental, it slowly builds up in the very chemistry of our body. One can talk about the things that cause stress for hours. Work, the pressure to meet deadlines, relationships, bills, health, lack of sleep and many other things. Stress can result in other physical ailments like  back pain, problems in sleeping, neck pain, and lack of focus

Studies indicate that Yoga’s stress management tools can help you reduce stress hormones. There are  Yogic practices that you can perform to create distance between you and your mind. Stress is mostly caused by not being able to live in the moment. Our mind is either in the future or in the past. The breathing and relaxation techniques can easily help you control your internal response to stress and how it affects the functioning of your system.  These breathing techniques can go a long way in helping you be mindful.

3: Flexibility and Strength

Any Yoga form you may perform is bound to increase the flexibility and strength of your body. Asanas require you to stretch your body which in turn helps you lengthen and stretch muscles. This can prevent injuries, reduce back pain and improve balance.

Asanas also help to create muscle memory. While performing the Asanas you are required to be mindful of the breath and your posture which creates a system of muscle memory.

4: Overcome Overthinking

Overthinking is one of the major problems and causes stress, anxiety, and depression. Overthinking mainly stems from not being able to control your mind and flow of thoughts. The way you repeatedly think affects your physical health and mental health. In Yogic culture, it is essential to not be identified with the mind and the body.

Meditation techniques and Sadhana can help you become more aware of your thoughts.  Simple breathing techniques will help you create space between you and your mind. These breathing techniques will help you to become more centered. Your mental health will significantly improve if you are able to witness your flow of thoughts without being involved.  For a beginner, you can start with Isha kriya.

5: Compulsiveness to Consciousness

Most of the problems in our life are caused by compulsive behaviors like eating, overthinking, drinking, smoking, etc.  There is almost nothing that we do consciously in our day to day life

Yoga allows you to turn inwards and pay attention to your body and mind. You will discover issues that you left unaddressed and gradually you will fall out of your compulsive habits.  Yoga helps you cultivate mind and body awareness. This awareness can help you enhance your behavior tremendously and improve the overall quality of your life.



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