India’s Test vice captain, Ajinkya Rahane’s family was involved in a road accident near Kolhapur. The car in which the family was travelling knocked down a 67-year-old woman, causing her death on Friday, according to media reports
The cricketer’s father, Madhukar Baburao Rahane, 54, has been arrested by the police in this regard.
The deceased identified as Ashatai Kamble was rushed to a nearby local hospital after the mishap, where she succumbed to her injuries.
The accident occurred near Kagal bus station in Kagal Taluka, on the Pune-Bengaluru national highway (NH 4). There is no conclusive evidence as to who was driving the car.
According to The Hindu the police said that the Rahane family was travelling to the coastal village Tarkarli when mishap occurred.
“The deceased was apparently standing in the middle of the road when Mr. Rahane, unable to swerve the car on time, rammed her,” said a police officer.
The Kolhapur Police has reportedly registered a case under the Indian Penal Code and Motor Vehicles Act 304 (a) causing death by negligence, 289 (negligent conduct) 337, 338, 279 and 184