Daler Mehndi arrested, 19-year-old human trafficking case


Singer Daler Mehndi has been sentenced to two years in prison in a human trafficking case of 2003, the complainant’s lawyer Gurmeet Singh said.

The recent hearing was a review hearing in the case after a Patiala court had earlier convicted the singer for 2 years in prison in 2018. The singer was later let out on bail but has now been arrested as per court orders.

In the FIR, Mehndi and his brother Shamsher Singh were accused of illegally sending people abroad disguising them as troupe members in exchange for money. That they were charged with IPC sections for human trafficking and conspiracy and the Indian Passport Act.

The complainants had alleged that the brothers had taken money from them to help them go to USA illegally, but didn’t do so. It was alleged that the brothers took about 10 people to USA as troupe members during 1998 and 1999. According to PTI, Mehndi (in company of a female actor) had also allegedly “dropped off” three girls in San Francisco.

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