Two-time Olympic medalist Sushil Kumar was nabbed by Delhi Police in connection with murder of a former junior national wrestling champion Sagar Dhankhar at Delhi’s Chhatrasal Stadium. According to a news report as soon as Sushil was lodged in the lock-up of the Model Town police station, he started crying and was awake all night.
Delhi Police have six days to interrogate wrestler Sushil Kumar and law permits the Police to ask the Court for 8 more days extension of Sushil’s police custody. The decorated wrestler is charged with kidnapping, murder and criminal conspiracy. If proven guilty for murder, Sushil Kumar can face life imprisonment or death penalty.
Delhi High Court lawyer Prashant Manchanda told that Sushil Kumar is charged with kidnapping, murder and criminal conspiracy. In the event of these allegations being proved, one can be sentenced to a minimum of life imprisonment or even death penalty.
As per the Delhi Police, murder and other charges will be investigated by the Crime Branch against Sushil Kumar and his associate Ajay.
“We are questioning Kumar to ascertain the sequence of events that transpired and led to the crime and also about his whereabouts after the incident.
“He was also questioned about his associates and friends who helped him to hide. He will be taken to the spot for recreating the crime scene,” the Delhi Police officer.
The police said further interrogation of Kumar will clear whether the brawl took place over a property dispute.
“The motive behind the attack on wrestler Sagar Rana and his friends, Sonu and Amit Kumar, who were injured will only be clear during interrogation,” the police.