NAGPUR: Three employees of a branded jewellery outlet were booked for cheating, forgery, and criminal breach of trust and conspiracy for their alleged role in duping the bullion traders’ family of more than Rs 9.4 crore.
Learnt to be from the same family, Ramkuwar Jangid, Sunil Jangid and Mohanlal Jangid allegedly transferred substantial cash, shares and properties in their names with fake signatures and documents, taking advantage of an ailing Anantrao Parekh, who owns a jewellery shop at Darodkar Chowk.
Ramkuwar is learnt to have diverted Rs6.9 crore in his account from that of the bullion trader. Sunil transferred shares worth Rs92.9 lakh by fraud. Mohanlal usurped three kilos of gold worth Rs1.5 crore, 30kg silver costing Rs12 lakh and also diverted considerable cash from his employer’s account to his own.
Preparing fake documents and death certificate, the Jangids also claimed to have received a property transferred to their name by Anantrao.